ASUS B1M Projector Overview

TheASUSB1MProjectorisaWXGAPortableProjector.ThisLEDprojectoriscapableofdisplaying700Lumensatitsbrightestsettingwithanative ...,服務與支援活動登錄專區設備常見問題集ASUSVIP尊榮服務下載中心維修進度...B1M.B1M.B1M.產品支援.B1M其他產品.透過註冊華碩產品...。參考影片的文章的如下:


ASUS B1M DLP Projector Specs

The ASUS B1M Projector is a WXGA Portable Projector. This LED projector is capable of displaying 700 Lumens at its brightest setting with a native ...


服務與支援 活動登錄專區 設備常見問題集 ASUS VIP 尊榮服務 下載中心 維修進度 ... B1M. B1M. B1M. 產品支援. B1M 其他產品. 透過註冊華碩產品,可輕鬆管理您的產品保固資訊 ...


Incredibly sharp visuals with 700-lumen light output and WXGA 1280 x 800 resolution ASUS Wi-Fi Projection lets you wirelessly connect and stream ...

B1M | Projectors

The ASUS B1M Ultra-bright Wireless LED Projector delivers incredibly bright, sharp visuals with native WXGA 1280 x 800 resolution, 700 lumens light output, and ...

B1M | Projectors

The ASUS B1M Ultra-bright Wireless LED Projector delivers incredibly bright, sharp visuals with native WXGA 1280 x 800 resolution, 700 lumens light output, and ...


華碩B1M攜式LED投影機,700流明, WXGA(1280×800)解析度,短焦, 支援無線投影,短焦,多媒體播放器 · 滿足辦公室強大功能,並具行動可攜性 · 擁有明亮清晰的投影效果 · 輕巧型 ...


The ASUS B1M Ultra-bright Wireless LED Projector delivers incredibly bright, sharp visuals with native WXGA 1280 x 800 resolution, 700 lumens light output, and ...

Customer reviews: ASUS B1M 700

This pico-projector is quite bright 800 lumens and outputs a great 1280 x 720 HD image. We are using it to project content down from the ceiling onto a large ...

很少人開箱的ASUS B1M

2013年7月30日 — 投射出的螢幕大小寬為142CM,高為89CM, 約為16:10 的66螢幕, 完全符合官方所標示的投射比0.9:1 (128/0.9 = 142.222), 而超短焦,就是我最後選B1M的最大因素 ...


TheASUSB1MProjectorisaWXGAPortableProjector.ThisLEDprojectoriscapableofdisplaying700Lumensatitsbrightestsettingwithanative ...,服務與支援活動登錄專區設備常見問題集ASUSVIP尊榮服務下載中心維修進度...B1M.B1M.B1M.產品支援.B1M其他產品.透過註冊華碩產品,可輕鬆管理您的產品保固資訊 ...,Incrediblysharpvisualswith700-lumenlightoutputandWXGA1280x800resolutionASUSWi-FiProjectionletsyouwirelesslyconnectand...